
Registration for JADH2024 is open via registration system.

Log into the ConfTool for JADH2024, go to 'Register as Participant' and fill out the registration form. Participants who created an account to submit a proposal should use the account.

Registration Periods and Rates:

All fees are in Japanese Yen (JPY). For specific rates, please refer to the table below.

Payment Method:

Our system currently only accepts PayPal. If PayPal is not available in your region, please contact us at jadh2024 [at] for alternative arrangements.


Workshops are open to the public. Registration details will be announced separately.

Registration Fee

* For online presenters, we require at least one presenter to register at the in-person attendance rate.

** To take advantage of the member discount, please register with the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO). When registering, you may select a regional affiliation such as the "Japanese Association of Digital Humanities." We strongly recommend opting for the "Joint membership of all Associations in the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations." This comprehensive option grants you membership to all international Digital Humanities communities under the ADHO umbrella. For a detailed explanation in Japanese, please refer to this link.

JADH2024 Registration